Thoughts on Repairing Your Personal Brand
Have you ever had a problem with your personal brand at work? Here is a true and somewhat genericized story (and a very common tale)
Have you ever had a problem with your personal brand at work? Here is a true and somewhat genericized story (and a very common tale)
I was speaking with a senior executive friend recently about the challenges of attracting, motivating and retaining talent in her company. She described at great length
I was having coffee with three friends not long ago and we had an interesting discussion about the topic of gratitude and specifically, thank you
I was sipping coffee this morning and thinking about a facilitated town hall/Q&A session I did recently for leaders and aspiring leaders of a well-known
I have been reflecting on a recent conversation with a young professional I met who is eight months into his first post-college job. He is eager
The greatest compliment was ever paid me was when someone asked me what I thought and attended to my answer. – Henry David Thoreau Curiosity
Credibility is important, possibly one of the most important things a professional must possess to grow in their career and be successful. True credibility can’t be
As you may recall from history, the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes landed in Veracruz, Mexico in 1519 with a small army of 600 men with
I bet we have all had first meetings with other professionals that made us cringe, either because of the other person’s behavior or after self-reflecting on our own missteps. I would like to share a little insight about some old-school ideas that I think are very helpful in helping professionals make a good first impression.
“Show me a successful individual and I’ll show you someone who had real positive influences in his or her life. I don’t care what you
Want to discuss my work or a challenge you’re facing? Leave your details and I’ll get back to you.Thank you.